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About Us

Kentucky Bluegrass Center for Homelessness Prevention (KYB Center) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing  and preventing the rising housing insecurity of individuals and families in Bluegrass, KY using the most innovative and effective strategies. 

Mission & Vision

Our mission is to end and prevent and homelessness for individuals and families in Bluegrass by providing housing services, coordinating income programs, providing mental health care, and advocating for systemic change. We envision a Bluegrass, Kentucky where homelessness has been eliminated for current and future generations, and where all Bluegrassians are thriving at their unique highest and fullest potential, free from housing insecurity or instability.

Core Beliefs

Housing is a basic human need. We believe housing is a basic human need and fundamental human right. All Bluegrassians should be afforded the tools and opportunities to secure safe, adequate, stable housing.

Mental Health is critical to housing security. We know housing insecurity and instability can both cause and be a result of mental illness and emotional trauma. All people should be afforded no barrier access to mental health services, regardless of housing or income status.

Economic security is essential to housing security and mental health and well being. We recognize economic security plays an important role in both housing security and mental health. Securing employment or basic income is essential to ending and preventing homelessness.

Guiding Principles

Empowerment. Our programs and services are guided by an empowerment philosophy. We believe that all people can overcome barriers when provided with the right information, tools, resources and opportunities.

Trauma Informed Care. We recognize the correlation between victims of trauma, discrimination, poverty, stigma and abuse, and the roles these have in homelessness, substance use and criminal conduct. We are committed to creating and fostering an organization culture where all people, including our board, staff, volunteers, donors, clients, customers and community partners, have the right to be treated with kindness, dignity and respect.


Self-Determination. We value the importance of self-determination, assertive communication and personal boundaries. We aim to create a culture where all people are aware of their own rights and responsibilities, and have the tools to assert themselves to meet their basic needs.

Innovative Solutions. We are interested in and committed to exploring new and innovative solutions to end and prevent homelessness. We recognize traditional means have not provided the best results to end homelessness, and we actively seek partnerships with compassionate innovators, problem solvers, and community leaders whose core beliefs and guiding principles align with our own.

Success. We are committed to achieving our mission, and celebrating the success of our board, staff, volunteers, customers, clients, community partners and donors at every opportunity.

Meet Our Team

Our organization is guided by our Board of Directors, and led by our talented staff and volunteers. (Note – This is a sample only, and the links do not work.)

  • Click here to see Board Bios & Bylaws
  • Click here to see Staff & Volunteers
  • Click here to see Employment and Volunteer Opportunities